In-person Patient Education Classes Cancelled
In-person patient education classes at Princess Margaret are not being offered at this time. Most classes are available online for patients and family. Having classes online means you do not have to come to the Hospital just to attend a class. Visit the
Cancer Health Information page to learn about classes and other resources about cancer.
LLICSR brings patients, family members and the community together through events aimed to provide, support, and resources for those living with cancer.
Community Connections: Community Connections is a monthly event that brings together cancer patients, survivors, caregivers and friends to introduce them to the resources and support programs that are available in their community through supportive care organizations and the Princess Margaret Cancer Program.
National Cancer Survivors Day (NCSD): An annual event to honour cancer survivors. The National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation defines a "survivor" as anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life.