Banana Oatmeal Ice Cream (Dairy Free)

Skip Breadcrumb HomeClinics & ProgramsELLICSR KitchenBanana Oatmeal Ice Cream (Dairy Free)
Skill Level
Preparation Time 15 minutes Total Time 35 minutes
Servings 8 Cost Per Serving $0.56
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Image of Banana Oatmeal Ice Cream (Dairy Free) recipe


1 1/2 cupsLarge Flake Oats
3 cupsHot Water
8*Dates, pitted or 2 tbsp Maple Syrup
1 1/2 cupsBanana pieces, frozen
1/2 tspGround Cinnamon
1 tspVanilla Extract


  1. Cover your oats with hot water and let sit for at least 10 minutes, this can also been done in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. Add to a blender and blend until mostly smooth. Pass through a sieve to remove any larger pieces. Allow this oat milk to chill.
  3. Once cool, add to a food processor or blender with remaining ingredients and blender until smooth and the texture of a thick smoothie or soft serve ice cream.
  4. Pour into a baking dish and let it set up in the freezer for about 20 minutes.
  5. Scoop and serve!


  • Lactose, a sugar naturally found in dairy foods, may make diarrhea, gas and bloating worse.
  • Limit the amount of dairy you eat by including milk alternative such as oat, almond or soy milk. Enjoy low-fat yogurt, aged and hard cheeses since they have less lactose.
  • Record your food and drink intake to learn what makes your side effects worse. Track how you feel and avoid this food or drink for a few days. You can slowly add a small portion back into your diet. 
  • Sometime dried fruit can make diarrhea worse. If this is the case with you, substitute the dates in this recipe with maple syrup.